Friday, April 18, 2008

Downward Grandma

I had my first dose of reality the other day about my total out of shapeness. I decided to go work out the day after my first Biggest Challenge (hereafter known as BC) meeting. I thought, I'll go to the Y and run/walk on the treadmill for 30 min. and then catch the 45 min yoga class. I've done pilates before (been a while but I was decent at it) so how different could yoga be. Ya, it's different. I ran into my friend Sarah and said come with me to this class. We introduced ourselves to the instructor, picked a place (of course at the front like good students) and prepared to breath and bend ourselves into smokin' hotness. I'm looking around the room, checking out the other students, and thought I can totally do this. There was this frail little 70 year old lady in front of me, some tall middle aged guy at the back in jeans, and some houswives in the middle. The long and short of it, after about 15 minutes I started to black out. I had to go sit down, breath and drink some water. I was done. All the while the class went on, occassionally changing poses, turned in my direction. Awsome. Let's just say when they turned the other way I grabbed my mat and got the heck out. Granny handed me my tush that day. Lesson learned. I'm going to take that class again, except the next time I'm heading to the back to hide like all the other slackers.


Jill said...

Cool site! Good for you on joining that Biggest Loser challenge. I want to do something like that so i don't gain all the weight back that I lost but I'm not quite sure where to go that doesn't cost money. It will be fun to hear about the progress.

Anonymous said...

Aww! But just think... within a couple weeks you'll be right back up front kickin everyones butts!

Love ya!

Can you hear me now?