Friday, April 18, 2008

Biggest Challenge

Anyone who knows me knows that I have never been a tiny girl. I'm not the type of person who is constantly on a diet but I'm always talking about losing weight. About a six months ago my friend Sheri told me about volunteering at the YMCA. When you do you get a free adult membership. Now they have to have a position and you have to apply just like a normal job. Well, I kind of put it off and they didn't have a spot for a while but the stars aligned and I started about a month ago. It's great! The people I work with are really nice, customers are happy to be there (not like at the hospital where I work), and it's just fun and easy. I decided to make an effort to actually use my membership and I signed up for there program, The Biggest Challenge. It's based on the show The Biggest Loser. It's nine weeks of instruction and support. So I am hoping it will give the motivation I need to keep going. I'm going to blog about my efforts so you get to read all about it. Try to stay awake! I'm really excited about it so stay tuned.

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